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Khurana, Simran. "OC Quotes." Quotations. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. <>.

(This internet source examines quotes from the television series The O.C. Through the characters dialogue I can see how they reflect their religious backgrounds.) 


"Kirsten Cohen." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Sept. 2013. Web. 09 Oct. 2013 <>.

(This Internet source provides information about the character of Kirsten Cohen. I can examine this character as well as her religious background.) 


"The Best Chrismukkah Ever." The O.C. Wikia. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. <>.
(This Internet source provides a plot summary of the episode, "The Best Chrismukkah Ever." This will help me examine what this episode is about.) 


"Quotes from The O.C." Planet Claire Quotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. <>. 
(This Internet source examines quotes from "The Chrismukkah Bar Mitz-Vahkkah." I can examine what the characters say in this episode, and how their religious backgrounds are reflected through their dialogue.) 


Raisler, Carrie. "TV Club Advent Calendar Chrismukkah in The O.C." AV Club Live. N.p., 20 Dec.2011. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. <http//>.
(This Internet source examines an episode of the show The O.C. Through the arguments and videos provided I can examine this episode.) 


"Sandy Cohen." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 09 Sept. 2013. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. <>.

(This Internet source provides informaton about Sandy Cohen. With the information provided I can examine this character as well as his religious background.)


"Seth Cohen." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 June 2013. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. <http://en,>.
(This Internet source provides information about Seth Cohen. I can examine this character as well as his religious background with the information provided.) 


"The O.C." Wikipedia. Wikipedia Foundation, 30 Sept. 2013. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. <>.
(This Internet source provides a lot of information about the television series The O.C. I can find information about the shows plot summary, characters, and themes.)


"Urban Dictionary: Chrismukkah." Urban Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. <>.
(This Internet source provides defintions of the word Chrismukkah. These definitions describe what this holiday is and where it originated.)


Youtube. Youtube. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. <>.

(This Internet source provides clips and videos. I can examine the characters as well as their religious backgrounds in an animated way.) 


"" N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. <>.
(This Internet source provides descriptons of the episodes throughout the series. These descriptons will help me examine what the episodes are about.) 


"On Being Both." On Being Both. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. <>.

(This Internet source provides input on bi-religious families. I can find information about coming from families that share two religions.)













Bindig, Lori; Bergstrom, Andrea. The O.C. A Critical Understanding. Lexington Books, 2012. Print. 

(This book examines how media has influenced sexuality, class, gender, and race throughout the show. It allows me to better understand The O.C. as a larger social context.)


Gompertz, Ron. Chrismukkah: Everything You Need to Know to Celebrate the Hybrid Holiday. New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2006. Print. 

(This book examines the different rituals people have created for the holidays and the new bi-religious holiday Chrismukkah. It allows me to gain further knowledge of these holidays.)


Shandler, Jeffrey. Jews, God, and Videotape: Religion and Media in America. New York: New York UP, 2009. Print.
(This book examines how through the portrayal of Jewish characters on television the media has influenced the Jewish community's sense of being Jewish and American. It examines characters on The O.C. as well as how they have been portrayed both as being Jewish and American.)


Academic Sources

Anonymous. "Merry Chrismukkah; Season's Greetings." The Economist. 405:8815 (2012) 34. Print. 
(This article examines the portrayal of the bi-religious holiday Chrismukkah and it's importance in popular culture. It allows me to understand the role of Jews and how they represent the Jewish community throughout the holidays.)

Einav, Liran; Abram, Ran. "Is Hanukkah Responsive to Christmas?" Blackwell Publishers Limited. 61:2 (2007) 612-630. Print. 

(This article examines Hanukkah in contrast to Christmas traditions. I can see how when compared to each other, these religious holidays; both very different are celebrated.)


Meyers, Elizabeth J. "Masculinities On The O.C.: A Critical Analysis of Representation of Gender." Doing Media Literacy. 454-462. Print. 
(This article examines masculinity on The O.C. and how male characters are portrayed differently because of their religious backgrounds. It allows me to see how these religious backgrounds affect their masculinity and their sense of identity.)


Olson, Tamara. "Popular Representations of Jewish Identity on Primetime Television: The Case of The O.C." (2006). Print.

(This article examines how Jewish identity is portrayed on primetime television. I can now further examine how the Jewish characters are portrayed.)


Rheingold, Charlotte. "Jewish Holidays." Skipping Stones. 24:4 (2012_ 25. Print.

(This article examines the dilemmas that bi-religious families face during Christmas time in North America. The dilemmas reflected throughout the article are also refleted in an episode of The O.C.) 

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